My Philosophy
My editing philosophy is quite simple – making your message pop! But to be more specific I can say that on the grammar and spelling side, I tend to follow the Canadian Style for Canadian editing, this means favouring the use of UK spelling, even though there are some of their style I do not follow (such as putting spaces between ellipses!). For any US material, I follow the AP style with a couple of exceptions taken from the Chicago Style: I italicize titles and use the serial comma to avoid ambiguity but not when it is unnecessary or makes the sentence cumbersome.
I have been using singular “they” for years, and have been a staunch defender of this neutral pronoun. I will definitely continue to do so as it is something that has become even more significant nowadays.
When it comes to developing your voice, I strive to disappear from the page to let your unique style shine and I make sure that the text that comes out reflects the words that you use and not mine. As for translation, my philosophy is to stay as faithful to the original text as I can. I know some like to paraphrase and adapt sentences as much as possible but to me, you chose certain words for a reason and if I can use their closest equivalent, this is what I will do.
I also believe in maintaining a high level of communication throughout our collaboration and will ask questions if I am unclear about what you are trying to say. I often provide comments or notes as to why I made a certain editing or translation choice, and I always do research to ensure all the facts are true and proper names are correctly spelled. Another aspect of my philosophy lies in delivering superior work and going above and beyond every chance I get.